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Hiking in Spanish Coasts


246 hiking in Spanish Coasts

Hiking in San Fernando
Hiking in Muros de Nalón
Muros de Nalón Coastal Path
This beautiful 5k route runs from the Asturian coast at Aguilar Beach to the Nalón town walls. Follow the criss-cross stone tracks
Hiking in Orihuela
La Muela Cross
There is no doubt that this is high place that posses both love and admiration. It stopped being a religious symbol and instead be
Hiking in Llanes
Coastal Route by Bike with Torimbia Ocio Natural
We couldn't complain, we had an absolutely beautiful and sunny day in Asturias. A gift that we had to take advantage of. So, depar
Hiking in Navia
Route along the Coast of Puerto de Vega to Navia
For lovers of hiking I recommend this very easy coastal route from Puerto de Vega to Navia. You will find some small deserted cove
Hiking in Callosa d'en Sarrià
Bernia Fort
Castle or Fort Bernia is located in the municipality of Callosa Ensarriá. It is easily accesed through a path somewhat narrow in p
Hiking in Cocentaina
This is is the highest peak of the Sierra Mariola, 1389 meters above sea level. It is also the third highest in the province of Al
Hiking in Canillas de Albaida
Ascent to the Peak of the Lucero
One of the most iconic peaks of the park, called the Pico del Lucero or scrape of the Moriscos, forms a pyramidal peak in the cent
Hiking in Petrer
La Sierra del Cid
In Petrer, which is an extensive municipality, there are some paths in the Sierra del Cid (named after the adventures this famous
Hiking in Tarragona
Paso de Ronda
Paso de Rona (or Camí de Rona) are the old paths they used to keep a look out for possible pirate attacks. The trails are currentl
Hiking in Bilbao
Peña Gorbea
Spring and autumn, the best season to face the ascent of Mount Gorbea or Peña. Whilst ascending the mountain it's worth going past
Hiking in Moaña
Path of da Fraga´s River
History shows that the best borders are always natural, such as the river Fraga that marks the boundary of Moana and Meira. Stroll
Hiking in Gijón
Piles River Park
The Piles is a 14km long river that leads to Gijon, at the end of Paseo del Muro de San Lorenzo (called "The Tostaderu"), in fron
Hiking in Castalla
Hiking in the
There are many hiking possibilities in the "Xorret del Cati". Both from the top of the mountain and from the slopes of the same, y
Hiking in Sueca
Muntanyeta dels Sants
This is a limestone promontory 27 meters high, located in the Natural Park of La Albufera, surrounded by rice fields. It was explo
Hiking in Orihuela
Orihuela Mountains
This is the highest part of the Sierra de Orihuela. It's a medium-low difficulty and the landscape is mainly pine, like most of th
Hiking in Salares
Trails of Salares (Sierra Almijara)
Starting from the Roman Bridge outside Salares, and following a path marked by a signpost along the bridge, you can walk along one
Hiking in Estepona
Bermeja Mountains
From Jubrique can approach this mountain that is much of the Costa del Sol in the forests abound black pines, oaks and small patch