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  • Things to do in Oia

    Top attractions in Oía

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    The best things to do in Oía

    Oia is a very impressive city with many things to do and see.

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    This city has is surrounded by beautiful scenery that unfolds before your eyes and show you all of its charm and friendliness there is to offer. The streets are filled with typical white houses and blue rooftops. There are small, narrow streets speckled with balconies that are covered in flowers. Getting lost in the city and gazing all around is an attraction in itself.

    However if you want more things to do in Oia, there are other places to visit in Oia like the Maritime Museum, where you can see a lot of nautical instruments, shipping documents, watercolors, parts of boats, and a small library. There is also Thirassia, a small island just opposite the city ​​that remains unspoiled and full of nature. You can reach this island by boat.

    Another one of the things to see in Oia is its beautiful sunsets. It is a spectacle in the city, and people often feel compelled to applaud. As for more attractions in Oia, you can bounce around the city, take a boat ride or enjoy a Greek dish called moussaka. This is a delicious stew that is made with eggplant, cinnamon, wine, and meat.

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