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Sights in Alaska

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sights in Alaska : the essentials
Statues in Anchorage
Wild Salmon on Parade
In Anchorage there's something called Salmon on Parade and it's really intriguing. The municipality of Anchorage asked several loc
Historical Monuments in Homer
Seafarer's Memorial
All fishing villages have something dedicated to those who have lost their lives at sea. Homer has a statue representing those mis
Churches in Kodiak
St. Herman Theological Seminary
St. Herman's seminary is in the city centre of Kodiak and is where men study to become priests in the Russian Orthodox religion. T
Historical Monuments in Kodiak
Fort Abercrombie State Park
Fort Abercrombie was established in 1941 under the name of Miller Point, but in 1943 it was named Fort Abercrombie. It was one of
Statues in Anchorage
Crystal Gallery of Ice
Every year during the winter in Anchorage in the central square of the city is what is called the Crystal Gallery of Ice (Ice Crys
Churches in Ninilchik
Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Chapel
This small Russian Orthodox church is located on the Kenai Peninsula in the village of Ninilchik. It is in a very secluded area wi
Squares in Seward
Seward Community Playground
This is the best playground ever. It is huge and has all kinds of equipment for children like a skate park, swings and slides. The
Historical Monuments in Anchorage
Eisenhower Alaska Statehood Monument
Dedicated to American president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was in office when Alaska became an official state (49) in 1959, this be
Cemeteries in Kodiak
Old City Cemetery
I love cemeteries, especially this one because I have family buried here. This small cemetery is in the center of Kodiak and most
Historical Monuments in Anchorage
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
The monument to Dr Martin Luther King in Anchorage is located in Delaney Park in the city center. If you visit this place, you'll
Statues in Kodiak
Charles Madsen Memorial
Charles Madsen was one of the pioneers of bear hunting on Kodiak Island. Charles emigrated from Denmark and worked as a fur trader
Squares in Anchorage
Anchorage Town Square
Anchorage Town Square is the center of the city. This is where locals gather to celebrate big events like Independence Day and New
Universities in Anchorage
Alaska Pacific University
Alaska Pacific University is a private university and is the second largest in Anchorage. It is a small university, but it has a g
Churches in Anchorage
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadeloupe is the only Catholic church in Anchorage that has a mass in Spanish. The church was built just a few years
Churches in Anchorage
Saint Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church
The Saint Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church was built in 1958. There's no other dome like it in the United States. It is
Universities in Anchorage
UAA Consortium Library
The University of Alaska at Anchorage has a beautiful library. It is huge, and a great place to go to study or spend an afternoon.
Universities in Anchorage
UAA Rock Garden
This geological rock garden is located on the campus of the University of Anchorage, designed by the Department of Geology so that